Monday, January 30, 2012
The power of social networking
The world as we know it is pretty small, and with the help of social networking it makes it much more smaller. Last summer I did a photo shoot for a magazine spread in a local Ottawa magazine. And by the power of social networking ( tumblr ) the assistant from that photo shoot just so happened to come across my work. And just so happened to move to Montreal, to make a long story short Antoine is an amazing photographer, real humble, cool, just all around a dope person. We met up last week to kill sometime around the city and take some shots.
Check out his work here & here, you won't regret it :)
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Peaks & Valley's
- Remember Tavi? Well she's still continuing her fair share of impact in the fashion community now at the age of 15 she has started her own web magazine.“They were talking about how inappropriate it was for someone of my age to go to Fashion Week, she remembers, but this was coming from an industry that fetishes youth” – Tavi Gevinson.HERE
- The weather here in Montreal is starting to look up, we even got unto 5 degrees. How long will it last ? No one knows but I hope I didn't just jinx it -_-.
- Pretty much anything can really go viral on the internet now a days. Example
- Jake Davis has done it again feat. Menswear designer Eunice Lee owner of UnisNewYork his visual work as always is top notch. Here
- Not really fashion related but a friend of mine shared one of the greatest Youtube Channel's known to man. Gentleman's Rant
- Thank You Palladium Boots for this spread.
- Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who realizes how precious time really is. When stuff doesn't get done or is held off for no legitimate reason is extremely annoying.
- After hearing this I'm convinced no one really listens to lyrics anymore. HERE
- "If you suddenly find yourself panicking that your life isn't going anywhere, write a list of all the things you're currently doing, and all the things you want to be doing. The difference between successful people and not successful people is that successful people set themselves goals, then exert all their energy figuring out how to achieve them. Not successful people focus on the negatives, then exert all their energy worrying about everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong or probably will go wrong. We create our own realities – positive thinking is powerful, as is the opposite. Be positive!" - Isaac
Monday, January 23, 2012
Palladium Boots
Jacket - A.A
Tweed Blazer - Vintage
Sweater - Levi's
Button up - Gift
Corduroy - Club Monaco
Boots - Palladium
I owned these boots for about 4 - 5 months before I ever wore them not only because the weather wasn't really appropriate at the time. But they looked so dope but I just never really had a proper angle on how to incorporate them into my person style. I just knew they were different from any boot I've really owned. To be honest I never really heard much about Palladium boots before hand I knew what they were but there wasn't much of a buzz. The first time I saw a pair was outside of a community event and a friend of a friend had a pair on, since that day I always kept my eyes peeled for my own and eventually found myself a pair. But I did a bit of a background check on the history of the company and it turns out they have by far carry one of the most intriguing stories.

Beanie - Brixton
Oxford - Vintage
Fairisle Sweater - Gift
Kaki Slim Chino Pant - H&M
Insulated Jacket - Penfield
Boots - Palladium
Palladium was founded in 1920 to make tires for fledging aviation industry. Tires were made by layering canvas bands underneath vulcanized rubber. Palladium's expertise was so advanced that soon the majority of Europe's aircraft were using Palladium Tires.
After Wold War II, with the aircraft manufacturing screeching to a halt the demand for tires decreased dramatically. Palladium decided to open a plant in Pont De Cheruy, France, to start producing footwear that was hard wearing as their tires.
Today, the original design, classic lines and time tested utility are as relevant as they have ever been. Combining over 60 years of authenticity with modern manufacturing, premium materials and cutting edge styling, Palladium boots are ready to help you explore your street, your city, or the world.

Tiago: Temperature is really starting to kick in with a fierce frigid shield, winter is clearly knocking at the door and I really needed a new pair of boots to deal with our Canadian weather. However, I was looking for a boot with a more city/urban feel something with quality, style, comfort, and not too heavy on the feet.
Palladium produces all of those criteria's, I opted for the Pampa Hi Leather model in black. The comfort of this model is beyond undenialable, the price versus quality is unbeatable, and the style is extremely flattering and produce versatility.
Im rockin' Palladium boots with pride all over Montreal.
Get your own pair of Palladium Footwear here.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Inspired By....
So lets talk colour people, let's face it in the world of fashion and style nothing even compares to the influence and impact that colour holds in this world. It's all around us and gets us by each and everyday not just in fashion but on a day to day basis intersections, foods we eat, how we might want to express ourselves, colour has a way to say it all in various influences.
The art of matching influences, Pantonism has managed to create a concept to inspire everyone and anyone from different spectrums of design, creatives, music, branding, products, and settings. This site is well a construct form piece of inspiration for all and I highly suggest everyone take the time out and get inspired.
Pick a color!!!
And tell me whats your favourite!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Good Company
Blazer - Vintage
Cardigan - Vintage
Thermal / Waffle Shirt - Club Monaco
Button Up - Ralph Lauren
Flannel Tie - Vintage
Jeans - Cheap Monday
Boots - Palladium
Cot Damn!!! it is freezing in my neck of the woods, Iwas onversing with few buddies who stay over in New York and they had the nerve to complain about -2 degree weather. Clearly there don't know cold until they faced it over here in Canada. Got hit with -25 degrees today and to be honest thats considered a good day. I guess some people just get it easy right?
Spent the day with Halftime Collective , just really to kick back, capture some visuals, as well discuss future endeavours. The people you keep around you in your circle really reflect who your are to a certain extent. Keep in mind "To a certain extent".
Photo Cred : Halftime Collective.
Friday, January 13, 2012
School Practicality
My holiday break has finally come to an end and it's time for me to haul myself back to the classroom for my second semester of the year. For the past 2 years I tended to carry my books and such in a satchel / messenger bag. At first, I really didn't mind but after awhile it took a real toll on my body and it really was time for me to pick up an actual book bag. Let's talk practicality, at this point I really wasn't even trying to pick up anything cute,stylish, or anything of that nature. I really just need something that can hold up for the semester and hopefully semesters to come. I headed over to Off The Hook, which is a boutique here in Montreal that caters to street wear and street wear culture. And managed to pick up this dope Penfield knapsack. The moment I spotted it I knew it was exactly what I needed, providing great structure,quality, and a great amount of packing space I really could not have gone wrong.
Photo Cred: Adey
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
WHIH Tumblr
So if you follow me on my twitter as of late most have these letters may look a bit familiar to you, if not I'll give you a brief run down on what it signifies.
In one of my previous posts I had mentioned that I have been working on a upcoming series entitled "Whats His Is Hers". Get where the initials come from?? ahhh now I have you. Without going to deep into the project and giving it away just yet, while it's still in the works. I'd like to share my "vision board" if you will, of my ideas. Over time I have collected a countless number of images surfing the internet whether it be from blogs to online magazines. However within time a lot of this material just kept building up and I really was just hoarding a bunch of images on my hard drive that I would from time to time go refer back to for inspiration or enlightenment. Instead of just deleting them all I just through them all into a Tumblr account, this way there's no need to delete my inspirations and at the same time share with you my visions of the series and where they stem from.
This Tumblr account shares themes, moods, visions, photography, lifestyles, concepts, you name it. It's all there, everything that has stimulated me and pushed me to make everything want to come true for "Whats His Is Hers" is all on one page.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Kanye West Tweets , the world stops and reads ( The Seed )
It's 2:10 a.m bare with me please!
The seed, the thought, the idea, the action, and the will. Are of few ingredients need to make what we want happen, and it’s really what we fail to realize. Seeds are planted all around us on a daily basis; the seed is basically the influencer. It can be a quote, a picture, a child’s laughter, anything really pretty much. It just lays around waiting for us to pick up on it and plant it into the soil of our mental. These seeds tend to turn into thoughts if we allow them to but first we must look deeper than just the seed. We must look at what caused the seed, what made that child laugh and why, what made that painter want to paint such a portrait what was he feeling at the time, or how do the lyrics of this song make me feel the way I feel and what is the artists main objective with each slur and utter.
Unless you live under a rock, as I type this Kanye West is currently tweeting away to his hearts content with over 5 million readers reading away their minds and hearts are inflated by inspiration and hope as they frantically wait upon his next few 140 characters to pop up upon their screens. And I can’t help but think about the power of social networking. I thought back to Tyler the Creator and his video Yonkers, Kanye West a few months back had tweeted he felt it was the best music video of 2011 and followed that tweet with a link to the video. Those very minute views for Yonkers blew up and curiosity built as everyone tried to get as much info on this kid and his peers as they could. It was as if a star was born through just the power of a key pad on a cell phone. Crazy uh?
And once again Kanye West tweets and the world stops and read, and this time (in my opinion Kanye West is planting seeds). “What type of seed?”, asked one of my Tumblr followers. The seed to just DO! The seed to push those who need to be pushed, the seed to make believers out of their potential, the seed to have others just have an idea. What we fail to remember is that everything around us buildings, cars, forks, plates, buildings, lighting, everything was stimulated by an idea. An idea that can make the lives of other individuals better by what you create NOT! Just for money and glory. But to better the world we live in and most importantly touch lives.
It’s not only Kanye west tweets that I am taking in at this moment it is the cause and effect of these tweets. With every tweet Favorited or even Retweeted a seed has somewhat been planted. Not necessarily an idea but just a seed for further hopes and inspiration for an idea to prosper from his wording. All of this happening before me is truly beautiful in my opinion, I tend to look into the most insignificant details and value them just as much as I would a sunset. The beauties in life are what you really have to pay attention to see. Why should beauty ever be obvious? Always take your time out and analyze the possibilities of everything.
-I’- I've never been good with words.
Attention To Detail : Subtle Winters
Blazer - Vintage
Quilted Jacket - Hawkgings & Mcgill
Chinos - Ralph Lauren
Monk Strap - Vintage
Blazer - Vintage
Quilted Jacket - Hawkgings & Mcgill
Chinos - Ralph Lauren
Monk Strap - Vintage
First and for most I would like to say Happy New Year to you all. This is the time where a large amount of people spent their time out partying, drinking away, and celebrating the New Year and a "new you". I spent my new years indoors at home alone trying to stimulate myself mentally watching many clips that featured a various amount of inspirational visuals. Was it as fun as party? Some may argue yes and some may argue now. I could only say I would have rather spent that night out on the town, But meh, it's really just any other night right?
In my previous the post "The Blues", I shared my love and hate relation hip with the color blue. Well as you can see I clearly have caught myself again in the blue. Blue, it is just a very versatile color with a great amount of various tones and shades. This pretty much can fall into any season, without looking like a hot mess. Unlike other colors blue has the ability to not only compliment an outfit but also can be used to add a specific contrast or traditional feel but all at the same time still remain subtle and not too aggressive and forward.
Here's another one of my Herringbone pieces, a blazer I managed to pick up at a shop a while back ago. A great substitution in the winter over a jacket , just for those days that aren't exactly too cold but still need to somewhat bundle up. Not to mention I am and will forever be in love with the elbow patches, ye you guys should know me and my love for detailing. It’s all in the details for me.
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